The "About MacChess" item in the Apple Menu shows the current table size.
If you have lots of memory (RAM), you can use it to give MacChess larger transposition tables by using the Finder "Get Info" command in the File menu on the MacChess application file to increase the "Preferred Size" to the desired Transposition Table size plus 2300K.
Generally, doubling transposition table size increases strength by roughly 8 rating points, and is most useful in the ending.
MacChess test results suggest that a 4000Kb table is optimal for the middle game.
Memory problems:
If you are short on memory, reducing your screen color depth (e.g., using "256 color" instead of "thousands of colors" will reduce MacChess's memory requirements.
Castling is a move of the king, not the rook. Just move the king two squares, and if castling is allowed, the rook will move by itself.